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Ireton Entertainment Inc.


Ireton Entertainment Inc.

ト ー マ ス ・ ア イ ア ト ン​

パフォーマンス・スキル: ダンス、スタンドアップコメディが得意。
身体的特徴:身長170cm 体重68kg 印象的な黒髪、ブラウンの瞳、アスレチックな体格。

①全米の有名クラブでスタンダップ・コメディを演じ、クレイグ・ロビンソンの“The Office “の前座を務めた。
②ホラー短編映画 "Money Cat "の脚本・製作・監督を担当。

お仕事の連絡先は、information @ iejapan.com (スペースなし)

Background:  Born & raised in Tokyo, Thomas graduated from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles with a BA in Film & Television Production and a minor in Theater. Received specialized training in stand-up comedy at Second City in Hollywood, commercial acting under Bill Coelius, and Improv at the Groundlings. Thomas was also a finalist for major studio writing programs and continues to write scripts while concurrently working on a novel.

Demographics: Proudly representing a diverse heritage of half Filipino, a quarter Japanese, and a quarter Irish American. Traveled extensively in Asia, the Americas, and Europe.

Goal: Passionate about leveraging international experience and bilingual proficiency to serve as a bridge between Japan and the world.

1. Acting Roles: Versatile in leading and supporting roles, adept at portraying comedic and dramatic characters.
2. Modeling: Experience spans fashion, commercial, editorial, and fitness genres.
3. Performance Skills: Proficient MC with a knack for engaging a wide range of audiences, Skilled in dance and stand-up comedy.
4. Special Abilities: Offers expertise in teaching Yoga, proficient in deejaying, and boasts impressive strength feats (e.g., PR bench press 100kg, deadlift 156kg, squat 106kg). Skilled in skiing, endurance cycling, marathon running, backcountry hiking, rock climbing, baseball, badminton, and swimming in all forms.
5. Personal Brand: Epitomizes a cool, fun, and uplifting persona, dedicated to spreading joy and positivity.
6. Physical Attributes: Stands at 170cm, weighs 68kg, with striking black hair, brown eyes, and an athletic physique.

Experience: Performed stand-up comedy at renowned clubs across America and had the honor of opening for Craig Robinson from “The Office.” Successfully wrote, produced, and directed a horror short film “Money Cat,” funded by Village Roadshow Entertainment, which premiered at prestigious film festivals throughout the USA. Additionally, excels as a writer for a prominent casting agency in America, contributing valuable insights to enhance actors' performances. Thomas’ painting “IROIRO” was awarded the Bihoro Museum Award (美幌博物館賞) at the 9th Annual Hishikawa Moronobu Awards.

Please contact... information @ iejapan.com (no space in between)